


番茄工时是一款提醒事项与时间管理的App,提醒您珍惜时间。 它可以帮你制定项目计划、设置会议的提醒、 安排您的行程规划、并让您保持工作专注,还能用于记录备忘事件,帮组您更好的管理时间。 [特色] # 可以精确到秒,时刻提醒您珍惜时间,看得到的时间变化; # 支持提醒,通过推送通知提醒您即将到期的事件;


This app respects and protects the privacy of all users who use the service. In order to provide you with more accurate and personalized services, this app will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. However, this application will treat this information with a high degree of diligence and prudence. Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, this application will not disclose or provide this information to third parties without your prior permission. This app will update this privacy policy from time to time. By agreeing to this Application Services Use Agreement, you are deemed to have agreed to the entire content of this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is an integral part of this Application Service Agreement. Scope of application b) Your basic information automatically received and recorded by the app when you use this app network service, including but not limited to your IP address, browser type, language used, date and t...